Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The gay visual novel I'm creating, "In Search of Dustin", is coming along nicely. The mystery and intrigue is thickening. And some parts of the story may cause something else to thicken as well. This is Akbala, my latest character, whom you may or may not meet, depending on the choices you make. He will fulfill your deepest desires... at a price.

Akbala: Hello, Master. What is your pleasure?
You: Er... is Dustin there?
Akbala: Dustin? Perhaps.
Akbala: Anything is possible with Akbala Services.
You: Anything?
Akbala: Anything.

I've also created a two-minute movie for his scene to the tune of Madona's "Erotica". Some of the things on that clip are quite provocative. *grin*


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