Thursday, December 28, 2006

Miscellaneous Uploads

I posted this on Youtube a month ago and its since generated more than fifty thousand hits and loads of email. I'll be uploading the full version in two weeks when I go back to Toronto, so for those people interested in this kind of thing, stay tuned. In the meantime, you can download the Brad and Evans clip if you haven't already.

Incidentally, I've just gotten my old hard-drive back up and running. It has to be more than 7 years old. Found some irreplaceable music... and I've uploaded it onto Megauploads to be transfered to my computer in Toronto for me personal listening pleasure. They're mainly soundtracks.

I've also re-discovered other relics from my recent past. Little games and programs... and my old stash of porn. ;) Back in the day, I was still in the denial stage of my porn-evolution, so most of it was straight, softcore stuff. Funny, they used to turn me on so much, but now they hardly do anything to me. There are a few exceptions, however...

I've bundled the mescellany of programs and short clips in another zip file, mainly for memories sake, but I suppose you're welcome to download if you wish.


At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are roman and benjamin back together?

they were such a cute couple together, it shows on the video that they actually really cared for each other, it didnt look like the regular porn movie you would expect.

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please repost "sweet foreplay"


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