Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Clickity Dick

Man, I'm in a good mood today. I love it when coincidence and situation allows me to meet someone new, or get to know someone better... and then, like magic, we realize that we click. We speak the same language. It's so... gratifying. I find, though, it's generally easier to click with girls than with guys. Don't know why. Maybe it's my messed up sexuality/attraction thingy. Sometimes I wish it was the other way around.

Went to the U of T Env. Career's Day. I almost missed it by oversleeping. I'm so glad I didn't! Not only did I meet a cool person, but I learned so much about careers in the environment. I've been to similar career-day workshops, but I definately feel I took the most away from this experience. I asked the right questions, I think. And got some directions of really exciting opportunities.

I plan to start filling out applications and my dust off my ol' resume right after writing this blog. That's my goal, anyway. Please, God, do not let me get lazy or distracted so that I end up doing no work again tonight.



At 1:25 AM, Blogger Noodlebear said...

The girl connection part is soo true for me as well =.=


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